Vendeur: loveourprices2 ✉️ (99.553) 97%, Lieu où se trouve: East Hanover, NJ, US, Lieu de livraison: FR, Numéro de l'objet: 375690083675 Monster Fart Wars: Farts vs. Boogers: Book 2 (Monster Fart Wars) by A M Shah. The celebration includedfart bubbles andconfartti flying from the gassiest hills onFartville. Trumpets blasted out of butts. A can't stop laughingmiddle-school book that will make youfeel just gross ! It was a glorious day.Farts had signed a peace treaty with the Burps. The celebration included fart bubbles and confartti flying from the gassiest hills on Fartville. Trumpets blasted out of butts. Farts shook hands with Burps. Everybody was happy until a new invader came flying from the sky. They were snotty, gooey, slimy Boogers that would stop at nothing until they controlled Gas Mountain. Whoever controls the fart gasses, controls it all. Can Mayor Donald Fart and his Monster Farts defeat the evil wizard, Severe Cold, and his Booger minions in the second epic Monster Fart Wars battle? If you love farts, boogers, burps, and pimples, then you do not want to miss Monster Fart Wars II. A can't stop laughing middle-school book that will make you feel just gross !
PicClick Insights - Monster Fart Wars: Farts vs. Boogers: Book 2 (Monster Fart Wars) by A M Shah PicClick Exclusif
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- Vendeur - 99.553+ articles vendu. 3% évaluations négative. Bon vendeur avec bonne rétroaction positive et bonne quantité de cotes.
Popularité - Monster Fart Wars: Farts vs. Boogers: Book 2 (Monster Fart Wars) by A M Shah
0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 6 days for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 1 disponible.
Prix - Monster Fart Wars: Farts vs. Boogers: Book 2 (Monster Fart Wars) by A M Shah
Vendeur - Monster Fart Wars: Farts vs. Boogers: Book 2 (Monster Fart Wars) by A M Shah
99.553+ articles vendu. 3% évaluations négative. Bon vendeur avec bonne rétroaction positive et bonne quantité de cotes.
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